Carly our Veg Advocate (VA) from Mid & East Antrim Council has completed her first successful VA event. She was one of the successful grant applicants from the Peas Please Veg Advocate Activities 2022 Small Grants Awards.
Carly was able to organise a very successful food demonstration at the Kilcreggan Base in Carrickfergus, held on the 31st May 2022. The Kilcreggan Base, is a facility in Mid and East Antrim Borough, designed to enhance community-based day services for adults with learning disabilities and a great place for the VA activity.
The demonstration was led by a professional local chef Arlene. The educational and fun event saw Chef Arlene convey nutritional information regarding the fresh vegetables being used, sharing cooking hints and tips to make sustainable meals out of fresh vegetables. The demonstration ended with a delicious vegetable stew for the clients to try, using only locally sourced, fresh and seasonal vegetables. Most of the quality vegetables used in the meal were sourced from the local market traders and others had been donated from local organic allotments.
The event was a huge success, not only was it fun, tasty but also educational! Carly was able to make important community connections with local groups, markets, allotments and businesses. Strengthening the link between the growers, producers and how we dispose of the vegetables by sending any surplus food waste from the community fridges to the farm, circular economy in action!
Well done Carly, we couldn’t be prouder! Not only did she achieve such a great educational and engaging veg activity in the local community, she came full circle in creating links on food waste and promoting circular economy! We can’t wait to see what other activities that Carly will do in the future.
Carly, VA,
“The event was a complete success, the base facilitator was surprised to see the guys trying the stew! They loved Arlene the local chef, she was so informative and kept us all entertained. She once worked with Jamie Oliver. How cool!
I sourced all of the ingredients locally and honestly the colours were so vibrant. It was a pleasure to host and I’ve strengthened the link as now I send all the community fridge waste to their farm for the animals.”